Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader

Homeschool Resources from the Dollar Store

I’m a really big fan of all the various dollar stores.

I mean, you do have to watch your prices because some things are more expensive there but I love finding things that I know would be way more expensive in a different store but I found for a good price at a dollar store.

I just bought some great things this past weekend and wanted to show a little dollar store homeschool resource haul and also share some of our most used dollar store items in our homeschool.


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


Our Favorite Homeschool Resources from the Dollar Store


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


This book series looked too awesome to leave behind.

I think the jokes, facts and histories would be good for car rides, waiting rooms, etc. The science experiment book is pretty cool and I hope to start doing some of the experiments in there right away.


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


I also just bought these daily desk calendars. January can be tough here because it is so cold so I am looking for all the time fillers I can find and I thought both of these would be fun to check out each day. Sometimes the little things can make a big difference.


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


I got this really awesome wooden “puzzle” from the dollar store a few weeks ago, it’s great for toddlers and the animals can be played with on their own as well. It’s one of those few dollar store toys that doesn’t feel incredible cheap and like it will break in three seconds.


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


I think almost all the puzzles in our house come from the dollar store. Why someone would spend a lot of money on a puzzle is beyond me. We get most of ours from the Dollar Tree and I’ve always been impressed with the quality.

The Norman Rockwell puzzles I picked up at the beginning of the school year knowing that we were doing some artist studies and thinking him and his work would be great to study.


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


Lots of our coloring books, sticker books, activity books and paint with water come from dollar stores as well. Speaking of stickers, it’s also a great place for those. I bought my son a pack of 5,000 stickers for about $2 a couple of years ago and I’m pretty sure he still has well over 4,000 left . . .


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


Wipe clean books are some of my favorites, especially for the preschool age. We have quite a few of the Usborne wipe clean books but dollar stores usually have a pretty good selection too, these are just a few I just picked up and we have a number of others from over the years. (They are also really great to take along to church . . .)


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


I got my son this book at the beginning of this school year. We aren’t doing every page but there are almost 500 pages in the workbook and we’ve been doing quite a few pages, there’s no way I could print pages out for as cheap as grabbing a workbook like this.


Dollar Store Homeschool Resources Haul


We also buy all our composition notebooks from dollar stores. They are my personal favorite notebooks and we may own quite a few . . . These two in particular are for the kids’ Bible journaling.


Free Owl Unit Study Resources


I got this little letter board from the dollar store back in the spring or summer and have been using it a lot! I have a bigger one (not from a dollar store) that works great for longer things (like Bible verses) but I like to change this little one up more, it works great for our mini units.


We also get a decent amount of craft supplies from dollar stores like paint, beads, canvases, cross stitch kits etc.

And pretty much all of our toddler and preschooler educational entertainment bin includes dollar store items.


I appreciate dollar stores because it means I can get some supplies for our homeschool for cheaper but sometimes I may get a little carried away and try to buy all.the.things.

What are some of your favorite homeschool resources you buy at a dollar store?

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