Twenty Signs You are a Homeschooler
I love homeschooling. I feel like I’ve really found my tribe in the last couple of years. Last week I posted a variation of this photo on Instagram:
I thought it would be fun to see what others thought were signs of homeschooling and got quite the response. I made each answer into its own image and am going to be sharing them over on Instagram over time but for now I thought it would be fun to share them here.
I came up with a few of these myself and then for the others I’ve linked to their Instagram accounts.
- Ten Signs Homeschooling May be a Good Option for Your Family
- The Ultimate Guide to Using Audiobooks in Your Homeschool
- Printable Minecraft Reading Log
I have a love/hate relationship with Lego but I can’t dispute the positive qualities so it is still something that we continue to use and purchase. Submitted by me @intentionalhomeschooling:
In our house it’s usually the kids grabbing the non-fiction books! Submitted by @beanbugbee:
We have a 100 book limit on our library cards and I have hit that many a time. Submitted by @joyfulmum:
Just #truth. Submitted by @thesimpleruggedpath:
We live in a neighborhood with a high number of homeschool kids, we didn’t know that before we bought our place but it is a real blessing! Submitted by @threejsand2ks:
We’ve been at the same library for eight years, but I imagine when it comes time for us to move they will know! (Unless I don’t tell them so I can still get all my ebooks and audiobooks . . . it all depends on how the library is wherever we would be moving to.) Submitted by @carlathebrown:
This makes me feel like we need to get going with Shakespeare! But thanks to Magic Tree House Raeca knows a bit of it at least. Also submitted by @carlathebrown:
I so agree with this one! Submitted by @kayley.hig:
Ha, and I’m just as excited as my kids! Submitted by @seni1017:
Ha, I don’t understand either! Submitted by @teamholloway:
Yeah, this happens a lot. I try to tell my kids what “grade” they are in but they still freeze, especially when we start the new “school year” in May . . . Submitted by @dina.overland:
This is absolutely true! Submitted by @farmhouseblessings:
Every weekday during the school year (except it’s usually 8:30) . . . Submitted by @crow_mama:
Um, I LOVE this answer, I need to teach this one to my children. Also submitted by @crow_mama:
What else can you do?! I’ve got a post about this topic coming soon! Submitted by @rachaelwarkentin:
Do you notice a theme here? Something tells me we want “our” space back. Submitted by @happiness_is_homeschool:
Yes, yes! Like I’ve said many times before, we view homeschooling as a lifestyle, learning occurs everywhere! Submitted by @_barbara.masters_:
Hehe, yes! Also submitted by @_barbara.masters_:
This would have been my dream childhood! Submitted by me @intentionalhomeschooling:
Your turn! Finish this sentence . . . You know you are a homeschooler when . . .
And I might just add it to the next Signs You Are a Homeschooler Post!