Homeschoolers Who Inspire Me

I am currently working on finishing up our homeschool vision and plan for the year and I’ve been thinking a lot about the different homeschoolers who inspire me and I thought I would share them with you!

While I do have local homeschoolers who inspire me as well, today I am going to focus on homeschoolers who share online so you can follow them and hopefully be inspired as well!

For the record, I’m just sharing Instagram and YouTube here today and the place where I mainly see that person’s stuff, if they are on other platforms I usually follow them their too. Plus reading the blogs for those that have them, I still love blogs (obviously, I’m writing this, aren’t I?).

And if you have some recommendations for me, leave them in the comments!

Please follow the ladies I mention below and I would love it if you would come follow me over on Instagram and YouTube as well!


Let’s start with Instagram, I took a break from it for most of the summer since we actually took a break from homeschooling but I’m back on it now and am being reminded of how much I find inspiration there! A big thing to keep in mind (with all forms of social media but I find this the most applicable to Instagram), is to limit your time and who you follow. If I find myself getting inspired and feeling good after my time there then that’s good. If I feel down and discouraged I either need to spend less time online or I need to unfollow some people (and often it’s a bit of both of those).

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Kristin Rogers

Kristin was the first person I followed online that I was aware that homeschooled. I originally started following her for her photography but she’s the one who made me want to homeschool.

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Reaching Happy

Sue is a fellow Canadian (though she lives on Canada’s east coast) and I have fallen in love with her province from her photos and every photo she shares is beautiful and inspiring.

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Rachael Alsbury

I’ve been following Rachael for years and I love everything from her aesthetic to her homemaking to how they homeschool.

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Jodi Mockabee

I’ve followed Jodi online for years and I have to say, I’m usually the most captivated by how she decorates her house and her creative ways of making it beautiful but also functional for a bunch of kids and homeschooling.

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Dwelling Logs

I love Bonnie’s love for nature! While I haven’t met her in real life I was in an online book club with her a few years ago so it feels almost the same. She is a gifted artist and I love everything she creates.

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Wonder House Creative

Monique is the only homeschooler on this list that I have actually met in person! She lives in the same province as me but hours away but I was fortunate to have coffee with her one day a few years ago. She is always coming up with inspiring activities and units and I love seeing what she has to share!


I’ll admit, I don’t watch a lot of YouTubers who specifically talk about homeschooling content, the first few I share are more homeschool specific and then the next ones are homeschoolers that share on a wider range of topics on their channels.

Homeschoolers that inspire me

The Eclectic Homeschooler

Erin’s homeschool method is so similar to ours (interest-led, Charlotte Mason inspired unit studies) so it just makes sense that I would love her channel!

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Bear Hill Homeschool

I love Abby’s heart behind her homeschool and her enthusiasm. She has such great ideas!

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Science Mama

I first came across Angie via the BookTube world and I love her homeschool channel as well!

Homeschoolers that inspire me

The Homeschool Convert

All you really need to know is that Jess has great books. Okay, maybe that’s not all, she’s also amazing, but really, she picks out a lot of great books.

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Jason & Julie

I first came across Julie last spring when she participated in my #HereisOurHomeschool challenge on Instagram, but instead of sharing an Instagram post each day she shared a video on YouTube! Over a year later and I still watch her channel!

Homeschoolers that inspire me

Angela Braniff

If you haven’t heard of Angela Braniff you may be living under a rock, it’s time to crawl out and get sucked into her channel. You’ll lose all track of time but it will be fun.

Okay, who inspires you online? I would love to hear about them!

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