Using Movies in Your Homeschool and Six Good Movies to Get You Started

Homeschooling with Movies & Six Movies To Get You Started

Lately I’ve been introducing the kids to a few different movies (well, mostly Raeca, Ephraim thinks all movies are scary). It didn’t really start out to be an educational experience but as we started watching this movie and then this one I found myself having to explain a bit about WWII and I think it was a really good way to introduce the war to a highly sensitive six year old.

It’s kind of embarrassing to admit but lately I’ve been requesting a lot of Mary-Kate & Ashley movies for Raeca from the library. She has been watching Full House and loves Michelle and since I loved MK & A growing up I thought it would be a cool flashback to watch some of their old movies (my best friend in elementary school and I may have pretended to be twins and loved to be the Olsen twins; I was always Mary-Kate). The nice thing is a lot of their movies are set in cities around the world; London, New York, Paris, Sydney, so it’s been fun to watch the movies and then look for famous landmarks throughout the movie.

That being said, we aren’t only going to be watching movies featuring the Olsen twins. 😉

There are a variety of topics you can discuss during/after watching movies; geography, different cultures, history, character traits, etc.

Later this week Raeca and I are actually getting together with my mother-in-law, sister-in-laws and my five nieces to watch this movie. I think it will be a good time. 🙂

 I’ve shared a few movies below to get you started with using movies in your homeschool, some we’ve loved and some we want to watch, and I’m sure I’ll share more in the future.

Which are your favorite movies to watch in your homeschool?



Using Movies in Your Homeschool and Six Good Movies to Get You Started


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Using Movies in Your Homeschool and Six Good Movies to Get You Started


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