How Our Homeschool Looked This Morning
Today I thought I would show you a look into what our homeschool looked like this morning.
We are currently alternating between the Flight Research Unit and the Butterflies & Bees Research Unit and alternating within the Butterflies & Bees. So, one day we do Flight then the next is Butterflies, then back to Flight, then Bees, then back to Flight, etc.
Today we were learning about bees, so here’s how it went . . .
We always start by looking the lesson over and then begin pulling out our books on the topic/sub topics and seeing what we can answer from the books we have.
We have a great home library and also borrow lots of books from the library so we can often answer a lot from the books that we have.
Today we were focusing on queen bees, worker bees, drone bees and the waggle dance so we looked for mentions of those topics in the books that we have and then started answering the questions.
While the big kids were doing their research and recording their findings the preschooler pulled out one of the Primary Journals to work on some pre-writing skills. Today he traced the letter A (both uppercase and lowercase), did some cutting on one of the scissor skills pages and colored an airplane.
He loves to be included and “do cool”.
After we had gleaned all we could from the books we had, we went over to the couch to watch a couple of videos about bees. Today we watched one from SciShow and one from National Geographic.
Then we stumbled across a Wild Kratts show about bees and the kids asked to watch that as well, we don’t often watch these kind of shows during “school time” so it was a fun treat.
Above is a look into my daughter’s notebook and below is my son’s. I adjust my expectations for what they write, how much research they do on their own, etc. based on their age and skill level. I love this kind of homeschooling because we can do it together and just make tweaks as needed.
Lest you think this was a perfect morning, there were also some tantrums from the toddler and preschooler that went unpictured. š
The Butterflies & Bees Research Unit is one of the twelve units included with the Intentional Homeschooling Curriculum that we have on sale right now. In addition, the curriculum has some supplemental resources and Primary Journals in the same themes as the Research Journals for the little ones to feel included in your day.
The curriculum is on sale for just a few more days, if you are thinking of purchasing it, this is the best deal you’ll ever get.