Library Haul
We got a great and diverse haul from the library today.
Some we’ve had before, some are new-to-us and some we’ve already started diving into!

This is our memory verse for the next while. I’ve been less diligent with memorizing verses than I would like and how this is the start to a better routine. There is really no formal plan for memorizing but the are lots of opportunities in the day when kind words are not the default and…
Last night Rae had the idea that her and I should work on something together. She came up with the idea that we should create a book about famous Canadians. Today we were working on brainstorming a variety of famous Canadians and almost finished a notebooking journal book. (I plan on sharing it as a…
The kids are involved in a kidpreneur fair next month and they have been working on their projects: wooden swords and wooden cameras. Last year I was not interested in them being involved because I didn’t think they would follow through with their ideas but so far so good! They still have more to do…
The kids (and I’ll admit it, me too) had so much fun at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum and Learning Centre yesterday! I had no idea this place even existed and am thankful for fellow homeschool moms who invite us on field trips they plan. They are having their Aviation Weekend coming up this month on…
With the end of winter we’ve come out of hibernation and have drastically reduced our screen time. One of the things I want to do with the kids this summer is teach them all kinds of old school games – hopscotch, jacks, skipping games, etc. Yesterday morning I set out to teach the kids cat’s…
This week we are continuing with Redwall at lunch. The kids are both really enjoying it. We are going through a little slower than normal because it is on discs from the library instead of an online audiobook so we aren’t listening while we are driving/doing errands like we normally do (we’ve been listening to…