Huge Homeschool Library Haul - a look at the picture books and resources books we've checked out in our homeschool lately
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πŸ“š BIGGEST HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL YET πŸ“š um, so we got a lot of picture and resources books out . . .

Here’s a look into our most recent homeschool library haul, it’s a huge one!

And honestly, I had fully intended to film a flip through of all the books but I got overwhelmed by the sheer number of books here. I think I may have to make these videos a little more frequent if I want that to happen.


Huge Homeschool Library Haul - a look at the picture books and resources books we've checked out in our homeschool lately



πŸ“š Links to all the books mentioned.



βž• Funny Picture Books One

βž• Funny Picture Books Two

βž• Funny Picture Books Three

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