Homeschool Memes to Brighten Your Day
So, today’s post is completely out of the normal. Today I’m sharing some of my favorite homeschool memes.
There is just something about memes . . . sometimes they sum up situations better than anything else.
In a similar vein I’ve shared a post with twenty signs that you are a homeschooler, a lot of those are pretty funny and meme-esq, if you like memes, definitely check that post out.

Some of these memes are more on the serious, I-actually-believe-them-side, and some of them are just completely silly. I hope you can tell the difference. š
First off, I thought this was the best one to start with:

I started writing a post months ago about homeschoolers and socialization and haven’t yet finished it (I have so much to say!), but there are some awesome homeschoolers and socialization memes out there, I’m featuring a number of them in this post.

Ha, this is me every day!

As eclectic homeschoolers that pull from a variety of different methods, this one feels very applicable:

Yes, this is totally true:

I actually really enjoy homeschooling, but this one makes me laugh:

I wish this one was a bigger/higher quality, get your magnifying glass out:

This one seriously had me laughing out loud:

Ha, so much truth here!

This one may be my favorite! This may possibly have been the hardest part of school for me, I remember snacking every opportunity I could, my favorite teachers were those who let me eat in class:

I hope these memes were able to brighten your day and give you a few chuckles. Happy homeschooling!