Nature Walk Time!

Yesterday the kids and I had our first official nature walk of the year. I’m determined that we will all keep nature journals this year – myself included.

They found themselves a little fort in the bushes for the summer and I spent nearly 10 minutes watching a male and female mallard duck on the side of the lake.

We all came home and drew the ducks (well, R drew about 10 other things as well), E was really frustrated with how his duck was turning out – I get it, I was never satisfied with my drawing ability in school (in high school I just refused to hand in art projects because I didn’t like the way they turned out) and so it’s something I want him and I to work on this summer.

I used to have the Handbook of Nature Study book but then gave it away because I was too overwhelmed by it, now I wish I would have kept it, I think we could make good use of it now. I may just bite the bullet and buy myself another copy, ugh, it makes me never want to purge again.

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