Middle Grade Book Recommendations for Grade 6 - a great middle grade book list

GRADE 6 BOOK LIST – middle grade books I’m recommending my 6th grader read in our homeschool

Every year I like to make a book list for my kids. Not really required reads but highly recommended reads. I am excited about this list for my daughter who will be going into grade six in the fall because I enjoy middle grade books and have read most of them on this list and…

Homeschool Year in Review - Using the Intentional Homeschooling Vision Planner

HOMESCHOOL YEARLY REVIEW – the things that went well and the things that really didn’t

I’m starting a new series here on the blog where I go through my Homeschool Vision Planner and reflect on the last year in order to cast a vision for the year to come. Pssst . . . the Homeschool Vision Planner will be free on Wednesday, June 2nd ONLY, use the code: visionfree  …

Our Summer Homeschool Plan and a Look Inside the Units We're Going to Be Using This Summer
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our SUMMER HOMESCHOOL PLAN & a look inside the units we’ll be studying

We tend to be flexible in our homeschool and don’t “do school” five days a week. Our more laidback homeschool approach means that we are also never really “off”. So while the summers may look a little different, we are still learning. And this summer we have a couple of different studies we plan on…

Homeschool Resource Haul - lots of educational books, games and more!

our homeschool RESOURCE HAUL – educational and fun books, games and more!

We’ve acquired a lot of great homeschool resources over the last while and I wanted show our stack of books, games and puzzles with you! I’ve linked the items I can below.     RESOURCES MENTIONED Book Outlet Referral Code (we both get $10 off!) Human Body Puzzles 10% off, use the code: IntentionalHomeschooling (case…