DIY Baby Diaper

DIY Baby Diaper

Yesterday Raeca decided she wanted to make a diaper for her oldest-very-loved-chronically-dirty-one-eye-is-always-half-closed-floppy-necked-because-I-removed-the-noise-device-years-ago doll, “Susie”. A quick search on Pinterest lead us to this simple DIY and pattern and then a quick trip to Dollar Tree for some supplies and a short while later she had two diapers and a few baby wipes for Susie. I…

Bee Unit Study

Bee Unit Study

This week we started our mini bee unit study (a mini unit study on bees, not a unit study on mini bees 😉). At first Raeca was wondering why would study bees if we weren’t going to have them as pets – ha, I guess only potential pets are worth learning about. But, it turns…

Learning with Money

Learning with Money

This morning Raeca took down our jar of various currencies from our trips. She started asking questions and we ended up talking about different currencies, the countries the coins came from and who visited those countries and when. We admired the different types of currency, the images on them and even the different shapes (the…

A Creative Lego Backdrop

A Creative Lego Backdrop

This morning Raeca decided she wanted to create a Lego background for stop motion. I love the realistic grass she created but the cute little beavers in the lake are my personal favorite: The stop motion video has yet to actually be started but this backdrop had already provided hours of Lego entertainment. Rae is…