Rocks Relaxed Notebooking Page and Resources for Rock Unit Study
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Rocks Mini Unit Study Resources & Relaxed Notebooking

In the last few weeks we have been doing what I’ve dubbed as “relaxed notebooking”, I share more about the concept in my Homeschooling as a Lifestyle Workshop but in essence we have been picking topics each week to do mini unit studies on. This approach works really well with our relaxed, interest-led homeschool style. I thought…

Free Printable Homeschool un-Planner Monthly Sheets
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The Homeschool un-Planner – Free Printable Monthly Record Sheets

I remember at the beginning of every school year in middle school and high school vowing to make that the year that I kept my binder and notes much more organized. That generally lasted about a month and by the time Christmas came my binder was a complete disorganized mess. Was I the only that…

Our Favorite Grade Three Homeschool Resources

Our Favorite Grade Three Homeschool Resources

Last week I shared our favorite kindergarten homeschool resources and today I wanted to share our favorite grade three resources. Because we view homeschooling as a lifestyle we don’t follow a purchased or pre-made curriculum but rather create a list of broad homeschool goals for the year and create our own “curriculum” (using the term…