The Homeschool un-Planner – Free Printable Monthly Record Sheets
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The Homeschool un-Planner – Free Printable Monthly Record Sheets

I remember at the beginning of every school year in middle school and high school vowing to make that the year that I kept my binder and notes much more organized. That generally lasted about a month and by the time Christmas came my binder was a complete disorganized mess. Was I the only that…

Our Favorite Grade Three Homeschool Resources

Our Favorite Grade Three Homeschool Resources

Last week I shared our favorite kindergarten homeschool resources and today I wanted to share our favorite grade three resources. Because we view homeschooling as a lifestyle we don’t follow a purchased or pre-made curriculum but rather create a list of broad homeschool goals for the year and create our own “curriculum” (using the term…

Nine Summer Read Alouds and Audiobooks for 7-10 Year Olds
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Nine Summer Read Alouds and Audiobooks for 7-10 Year Olds

This is my third year sharing a list of read alouds I would like to get to during the summer. You can view the first one here and the second one here. The first two lists were more early elementary based and this one is starting to get a little older as my kids get…