Ten Signs Homeschooling May Be A Good Option For Your Family

Ten Signs Homeschooling May Be A Good Option For Your Family

I’ve admitted this before, but I really did not have the best impression of homeschoolers growing up. First of all, there was hardly anyone that I knew that did it. And second, those that I did know were weird! These days I think there are some homeschoolers out there that are really changing the stereotype and…

Ten Funny Picture Books That Will Have Kids Laughing Out Loud

Ten Funny Picture Books That Will Have Kids Laughing Out Loud

My kids, like most I know, love to laugh. It’s always a lot of fun around here when we find a picture book that has them laughing out loud. Ephraim has the cutest little giggle which gets me and Raeca laughing, it’s a great bonding experience. 🙂 These are a few books that get us…

How to Incorporate Audiobooks into Your Homeschool Day – and Your Everyday
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How to Incorporate Audiobooks into Your Homeschool Day – and Your Everyday

I have mentioned before that I’m not the greatest at reading novels aloud but I love to read so as a result we listen to a number of audiobooks. But even though I’m not that great at reading novels out loud I still held onto the belief that if we owned the book I needed…

Eight Middle Grade Novels Even Adults Will Love

Eight Middle Grade Novels Even Adults Will Love

I have developed a love for mid-grade novels in the last few years. Generally middle grade novels are geared towards ages 8-12. They are around 30,000-50,000 words and don’t have any profanity, graphic violence or sexuality. There are a ton of novels that fit into this category and today I wanted to highlight some that…