Eight Great Middle Grade Novels Even Adults Will Enjoy

Eight Middle Grade Novels Even Adults Will Love

I have developed a love for mid-grade novels in the last few years. Generally middle grade novels are geared towards ages 8-12. They are around 30,000-50,000 words and don’t have any profanity, graphic violence or sexuality. There are a ton of novels that fit into this category and today I wanted to highlight some that…

Simplifying Our Homeschool Schedule - Minimalist Homeschooling

Simplifying Our Homeschool Schedule – Minimalist Homeschooling

In the beginning of December I started to realize our homeschool schedule was not working very well for us. I would plan our day and rarely would we get to it all. It wasn’t because I was planning a whole lot in the day, but every time I mentioned what we were going to do…

Eight Great Novels to Read Aloud in Grade One
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Grade One Read Aloud Novels – Term One

Thanks to all who entered our 2016 Reader Survey! The winner of one of our favorite picture books is: Kenzie!!! Congratulations! I’ll be emailing you for your address and picture book choice this weekend! I wrote out a couple of different grade one book lists at the beginning of the school year, like grade one…