7 Books For Studying Oceans & Sea Creatures
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7 Books For Studying Oceans & Sea Creatures

I totally blame it on the show Octonauts but we’ve been on a bit of an underwater kick around here lately. Each week Raeca picks a new animal or two to learn about in science and we’ve had a good stretch of sea creatures; pilot fish, jellyfish and the green sea turtle). The kids have…

6 Beautiful Maps, Books and Atlases to Get Kids Interested in Geography
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6 Beautiful Maps, Books and Atlases to Get Kids Interested in Geography

I love geography and learning about the world and I have a strong desire to pass this interest down to my children. I want to go everywhere, see everything and experience it all. While this may not exactly be possible right now I am trying my best to teach them about different countries and cultures…

If This Is Our Only Homeschooling Benefit – It Is Worth It

If This Is Our Only Homeschooling Benefit – It Is Worth It

Here we are, starting our second month of officially homeschooling and not surprisingly, a number of people have been asking how it is going. To be honest, this is a question I was worried about before we started. What if it wasn’t going well? I mean, I suspected we’d have off days, these are my…