What We’ve Been Reading Lately – September
So, apparently when the weather changes here I start reading more.
In June and July I only read one book a month and this month I read something like twelve books!
Other than the cooler weather I also think Scribd has a lot to do with my increased reading. I’m not even a full month into my free trial and I’ve already read/listened to seven books on there with a couple more on the go and some of the ones I read at the beginning of the month pre-Scribd are available on there as well. I’ve personally been very impressed by the selection.
Not sure what Scribd is? Think of it like Netflix but for books (so, way cooler). If you use my Scribd links in this post you can get your first two months free!
It’s not just me though, the kids have been turning to books more this month as well, something my mama reader heart likes to see.
Like I said, this was a really good reading month for me. I did a good combination of listening to audiobooks, reading ebooks and reading paper copies. Books in all formats!
In the last month or two I’ve really come to realize how much I enjoy the fantasy genre, something I never read as a child and the idea that I like the genre is still a little new to me. If you have any fantasy recommendations I would love to hear them!
I started out this month, actually, I think it was the end of last month, devouring Flight of the Raven. It is the second book in The Ravenwood Saga, a Christian fantasy series, if you remember I raved about Mark of the Raven last month. I wouldn’t say book two was as good as one but I really did like the references to light and dark. Book three is supposed to be coming out in February (I believe) so I am looking forward to finishing the series up. I do think it is so far my absolute favorite book series.
From there I went on to read Fawkes, a historical fiction crossed with Christian fantasy. If that sounds like a weird combination I totally understand, but that being said, I really enjoyed it (also, the cover is gorgeous). I was an au pair in England after high school and was there over Guy Fawkes Day so that made the book a little more interesting as well.
One of the BookTubers I like to watch (YouTuber’s who like to talk about books), often recommends the Steel and Fire series and this month I listened to books one through three: Duel of Fire, King of Mist and Dance of Steel. I really enjoyed book one and the others were okay. I think I generally don’t like book series’ though, I’m more of a fan of standalones.
The Secret Garden was my classics book club read for this month. I remember reading it years ago and enjoying it more then than I did this time, but I do think it’s a classic for a reason.
I listened to Tuesdays at the Castle to see if my daughter would like it (she would). It’s a pretty good fantasy story for middle grade.
Since I enjoyed Morgan L. Busse’s Ravenwood Saga I wanted to continue on and read her previous books. I read Tainted and then Awakened, they are the two books in The Soul Chronicles, a steampunk, Christian fantasy series. Honestly, I had no idea what steampunk was before this month, I’m not sure if I would enjoy other books in the genre but these were done really well.
I didn’t read as much non-fiction this month, which is probably why I read more, non-fiction always takes longer to read for me. But I listened to Friend-ish, a book about biblical friendship, it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting but I found it very interesting, it talked about some of the problems of clinging to friendships too tightly, a side of friendship often not talked about, what I’ve read on friendship in the past has been more about how to be a better friend.
Next I moved on to another Morgan L. Busse series, and I think the first one she wrote (I pretty much read her series’ in reverse order). I read book one in the Follower of the Word series; Daughter of Light. Reading her books all so closely together I can definitely see how she has grown as a writer. This series contains three books and I do plan on reading the second and third books soon.
And the last book I finished for the month was another non-fiction, The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder, this one was mentioned and recommended in one of our foster care training sessions the other weekend and I happened to find it at the thrift store for $0.50! It was very informative and helped me to realize that one of my kids definitely has some sensory processing struggles. The book isn’t so big on how to help with them but once you have names for them there are tons of ideas on Pinterest, this has already helped me have a few Christmas gift ideas for my sensory seeking kiddo.
Okay, that was a lot of books, wasn’t it?! Those are just the ones I finished, there are more that I am in the process of reading! I will hold out commenting on them until I am done but here is what I am currently reading: Start with the Heart: How to Motivate Your Kids to Be Compassionate, Responsible, and Brave, Parenting: The 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family (I have been wanting to read this book for awhile so I was really excited to find it on Scribd!), You Who: Why You Matter and How to Deal With It (we are going through this in my church book club).
Okay, well, if that wasn’t a novel in itself! I think those are all the books I read/am reading right now, time for what the kids have been reading . . .
My daughter is close to finishing with her first book from the list of independent reads for grade 4 that I created for her, her first book she chose from the list was the third Harry Potter book. Honestly, she could be done the book by now but she doesn’t want to read it in the evenings, she prefers to read lighter books before bed so they don’t give her bad dreams, plus this is the longest book on the list by far, after she’s done it she’ll probably cruise through a few within a month.
This month she also listened to the entire Green Ember series and has plans to read book one with two of her fellow homeschool friends in a book club they are starting (how adorable!).
Was anyone else addicted to the Baby-Sitters Club books as a child? I sure was, so I’ve intentionally tried to steer her away from them but I picked up a Baby-Sitters Club graphic novel and she didn’t move from the couch until she had finished it and then promptly asked for more.
One of the mini units we will be studying soon is spies so I picked up a few books on the topic, she has been reading Mrs. Smith’s Spy School for Girls for the last few days. It sounds like a book I would have loved as a child.
Another book she has been reading in the last few days is book two in the Grimmtastic Girls series, they are based off of the Grimm’s fairy tales and from what she tells me it follows the girls (this one is about Red Riding Hood) after the fairy tale.
I am personally happy to see more diversity in her reading than there had been in the previous few months!
My son re-listened to the first book in the Green Ember series this month. I’m not sure if he will continue on with the series yet or not.
His reading is slowly coming along, this month has included more easy readers as well as some Elephant and Piggie.
I’m definitely looking forward to him getting beyond this easy reader stage (he is too), it has felt like he’s been here for a long time and he wants to be a reader, it’s just something he has to work harder at than some other kids.
We finally finished North! Or Be Eaten! We will be continuing on with the series soon. Originally I was going to wait until Christian Audio had their next sale but then I realized the series is on Scribd so I think this week we will continue with book three.
We also finished the Christian Heroes story of Cameron Townsend – Okay, I love the Christian Heroes series and think Cameron Townsend did some amazing stuff but this was my least favorite book in the series, it just did not hold my attention. We usually listen to one of these books in less than two week and this one took us six. I’m looking forward to something different next!
It’s migration season here in Saskatchewan, so I got a book from the library aptly called Migration. The book not only has great information but also beautiful illustrations. The butterfly page is my absolute favorite.
Any suggestions for what we should read in the next month?
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