Our Homeschool Summer Plan - what we're planning for the summer for grade 2 and preschool

Our Second Annual Summer Homeschool Plan

Wow, I can’t believe it’s time for our second homeschool summer plan post!

Once again I’m looking forward to having a summer that is a balance of learning and plain old enjoying the summer.

When I asked Raeca what she wanted to learn about this summer her one request was to learn about Shakespeare – um, okay, weird homeschooled child.

I’ve also got a few things I have been finding/saving for the next few months so let’s get into our summer homeschooling plan!

Our Homeschool Summer Plan - what we're planning for the summer for grade 2 and preschool

(going into grade 2 & preschool)


So yeah, we are going to do some Shakespeare . . . I’m feeling a little unqualified for this so we’ll see how it goes. I’ll be using [easyazon_link identifier=”0307951502″ locale=”US” tag=”intentiona07d-20″]How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare[/easyazon_link] and pulling together other resources I find. I’ll definitely post an update on this (especially if it goes well!).


I have been successful so far in giving my children a love for learning about the world and we are going to continue learning more about it! We will be using the resources from Explore the World from Your Home and probably studying China and Italy and I’m not sure what else yet, we’ll see what countries interest them at the time.


We will be using [easyazon_link identifier=”B01FKJ9VRI” locale=”US” tag=”intentiona07d-20″]History Mysteries[/easyazon_link] to study a few mysteries from history, starting with Amelia Earhart. I’m pretty excited about this myself. 🙂


Raeca really enjoys writing stories but often doesn’t know where to start, we’ll be using some journal prompts as a starting point. I can’t wait to see where she takes these prompts.


We will be going through our summer book list and reading and listening to as many of the books as we can (and probably a few extras).


A big part of our summer is going be spent soaking up the warm weather and being outside as  much as possible. Ephraim just learned how to ride a bike without training wheels and just needs to learn how to start himself and then there will be a lot of family bike rides for our summer. We will also be hanging out at parks, going for walks, using our slip ‘n slide (seriously, so much fun) and just doing all things summery!


Ephraim’s got another year of preschool yet before kindergarten. He’ll probably be around for a lot of what Raeca will be doing and I’m sure will be picking quite a bit up that way. I’ve also got a few things I want to do with him:

* counting to 20 – I’ve been slacking on this and he gets all jumbled in the teens
* days of the week – I use a video on YouTube with the days of the week set to song
* spelling his first name – we’ve got to practice this more
* reading lessons – I’m once again using [easyazon_link identifier=”0671631985″ locale=”US” tag=”intentiona07d-20″]Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons[/easyazon_link], you can check out my format for teaching reading the simple way here.

And there it is!

Do you have a summer homeschool plan?
I’d love to hear it!

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  1. Can you share the Youtube video you use for the days of the week? We have a little wheel I made, but it’s totally over E’s head right now!

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