September Favorites 2022
Personally, I love reading people’s favorite lists each month so I figured it was definitely time to start sharing one in hopes others will come to enjoy some of my favorites.
This is a very random list of assortments, but I’m happy to say, none of it is very expensive!
I’ve been going on daily walks for awhile, sometimes multiple times a day, but there is just something about a good morning walk and seeing God’s creation during the sunrise . . . I’ve been back into walking in the morning again and it’s something I never regret doing. (The picture above was from a walk earlier this week, I just love seeing the geese on the pond during sunrise!)

While I know I’m not going to love every pair of earrings as much as the pair pictured above, I’m kind of obsessed with them. I’ve been looking for a good hoop pair of earrings for awhile and randomly came across this pair at the thrift store awhile ago (and they cost $1). I’ve worn them a lot since and now I’ve decided to try to exclusively buy my earrings from the thrift store. The hunt is so much fun.
Don’t worry, I definitely cleaned them before wearing them.
Awhile ago I thought I would try out some lemon-scented nail polish remover, well, it turns out it was terrible and took about five minutes of rubbing per nail and it still didn’t get all the nail polish off. Then I bought some intense nail polish remover, which is excellent. Now I get all my nails done in less time than it took for one finger before! I’m sure it’s not the most healthy stuff ever but I’m saving time!

I designed this shirt a few months ago and ordered myself one and I’m wearing it every chance I get. It will be available in my Etsy store in October and I’m excited for others to get a sweater as cozy as this one. It’s my absolute favorite sweater I own (and there will be some other designs in the same sweater style, so it’s the same amount of cozy with different designs).
We may have just found the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever. And the fact that it’s gluten free is even better (since my husband has celiac)! I think I’ll share it here next week once I write down all the changes we’ve made to the original recipe because I know I’m going to be wanting to share it with others!
What have been some of your favorite things this month?