Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Snapshots from Our Homeschool Days

I wanted to do something different today and just show some photos of glimpses into our homeschool days.

No two days look alike in our homeschool and I think that’s partly the beauty of it.

Oh, also, it is winter here right now (there is a decent winter storm going on as I sit here typing, we’ve gotten more snow in the last 48 hours than I think we had in the previous three months combined), so needless to say we are doing a lot more indoor activities at the moment. We are all looking forward to spring and summer when we can be outside more!

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Just a shot of the winter storm we are in the middle in – it looks pretty but you can’t see the wind!

Just the day before I took this photo almost all the snow had melted . . .

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

There is no point to this photo, I just think they are cute.
(Also, I love her 80’s hair in this photo, I made the mistake of calling her “adorable” and that didn’t go over well.)

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

We spent an afternoon going through our local-ish museum set in the early 1900’s. The lighting is horrible in there so the photos aren’t great but the kids were really interested and learned a lot.

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Lego with Dad. #always

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Sewing her first felt food – saltines!

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

If memory serves me correctly she was writing math problems for herself. #nerd

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Their favorite – poetry tea time!

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Reading her first e-book on my old phone. It has made me start contemplating getting her a Kindle. Anyone have thoughts on that? I don’t have a Kindle myself, I chose to get a tablet so I could download my library apps onto it as well as my Kindle books but the battery life is not great and I think that would be a major downside for her . . .

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Writing his name “E-p”

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Jared just built them this cardboard castle with a popsicle stick drawbridge , seige tower (via this book) and a popsicle stick trebuchet (I didn’t even know what a trebuchet was before this) and they have played with it so much.

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Sewing felt tea bags this time.

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Checking out their first Little Passports package!
(The cardboard box was later used for the castle!) #thrifty #environmentallyfriendly

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

Helping make some gluten-free, dairy-free carrot muffins.

Some peeks into our homeschool through some photo snapshots

EEG time!
Prior to going to his appointment he said he was worried they were going to peel his arm off (???!!!), but they didn’t and he was very good for the whole test.

And that’s a bit of a look into some of our recent homeschool days!

Linking up with Monday Mish Mash Party.

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