Free Creative Writing Story Prompts
One thing I want to incorporate into our upcoming homeschool year that we have never done before is to add in some creative writing.
My daughter does some writing on her own here and there, a couple of years ago she was dictating her stories to me while I typed them out on the computer and now she’s switched over to writing her own stories out. Recently she was working on creating a list of characters for a story, it included a family tree and short descriptions of each of the characters, too cute.
And while I love that she chooses to write her own stories I wanted to be a little more intentional with our story writing this year and kept trying to remind myself to actually write the idea down so I didn’t forget when it came to planning our year out.
I’ve had the idea on my mind for awhile now and the other evening the kids and I were sitting around together so I came up with a couple of story starter ideas and the kids picked one and we began writing a story together, each adding about two sentences at a time until we had a decent (and silly) story.
My daughter was inspired and started writing her own story starter ideas, all ending on nice cliffhangers and I thought why not share our ideas here?
You can use these prompts in any way you want, give the full list to a kid to pick on to continue, give just one prompt for a child to work on or do what we did – work on one prompt as a group, each adding a few sentences at a time.
I’ve typed out ten of our story starter ideas for you to go ahead and use, in addition, I put them into a PDF in case you want to print them out and have them ready for when you need them.
Macy knew the goblin was getting closer, she quickly glanced back and she turned back around only to see that she had entered . . .
Anthony was practicing his foul shots at the playground basketball court. He had been getting most of them in until . . .
Elliott enjoyed taking pictures and one afternoon decided to venture into the nearby woods to try to photograph some moss, but he wasn’t prepared to find . . .
Jane was writing her first book, she was just about to start another sentence when her mom called her and said . . .
One day Jill was practicing piano as was her normal afternoon routine when she heard a knock at the door . . .
It was close to the end of her soccer game when Olivia got the ball and she dribbled it up to the net, it was right there that . . .
Ben woke up excited, today was his twelfth birthday! He quickly went to the kitchen and said good morning to his parents, they let him open his presents right away and he was excited to find . . .
Bobby had spent the last hour cleaning up his room, he was just putting the last Lego in the bin when he heard a sound . . .
Andy was walking down the street when he saw something move in the trees ahead of him, he was sure it looked like a hairy purple tail, he got closer to the trees and found . . .
Ethan, Ellie and Emma were excited because their parents told them today they would be getting a surprise. They had waited all afternoon and were finally getting it . . .
Grab the printable version here.
If you end up using the story starters, let us know, we would love to read some completed stories!