Our Homeschool Summer Plan – Teaching the Heart
Hey guys, so, I’ve been meaning to write this post for a few weeks now. Really, ever since I shared what did and didn’t work this past year in our homeschool, but I just had so many other things on my list I needed to get checked off and I just barely sent our stuff in to our school division and now I feel like it is officially summer!
While I told the kids we were done school a month ago (cause I have that authority) I felt like I wasn’t done until those reports were done so now I’m done for the year too!
Except, not really.
While I may declare the year “done” or “started” the truth is, we never stop learning.
I have shared our summer plan for previous years (here and here and then apparently I didn’t make one last year) but this plan is going to look completely different than those ones.
This year instead of having an academic focus I want to have a heart focus. Instead of homeschooling, it will be HEARTschooling.
The summer is the perfect time to make this switch because I feel like during the school year I get so focused on academics and put the things of the heart, the more important things, off on the back burner. But now that we are done for the school year there is nothing to distract me.
We are almost to the point in our family where our oldest is about halfway done her childhood in our home and I’ve been thinking a lot about what it is I want her to have learned during her time here. And you know, it’s not the academics. What I want most for her is to love and obey Christ with her whole heart. It’s what I want for both of my kids.
I want to make that the focus, not only this summer but for the rest of their lives.
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
Proverbs 14:1
So really, there isn’t much of a “plan”, but here is what I have so far:
I want to go through Our 24 Family Ways as a family.
I want to regularly memorize verses with the kids.
I want to live life with them and constantly point them to Jesus.
I want to read books with them that show of God’s power.
I want to admit my faults and my need for Jesus.
I want to get excited about nature and the creativity of the Creator and share that excitement with my kids.
I want to make sure I am spending time in the Word so it will naturally pour out of me.
So, that’s pretty much my “plan” for the summer. Maybe I’ll update halfway through or at the end of the summer and share some more specifics on how it is going.
Do you have any suggestions for heart schooling? I would love to hear them!

Good job! Sounds like a great plan – enjoy it:)