summer HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL – so many great books!
I’ve been requesting lots of books from the library lately so I thought it was time for a library haul! All the books are linked in the video description here.

I’ve been requesting lots of books from the library lately so I thought it was time for a library haul! All the books are linked in the video description here.
I’ve admitted before that I’m not good at reading novels out loud but we really enjoy them so, as a result, we do a lot of audio books in our house. We love listening to audio books on road trips, during lunch time and randomly throughout the day when we all need a little bit…
I always have fun sharing the books we got out from the library. Here’s a recent stack of books we’ve check out! BOOKS MENTIONED The Great Cake Mystery Case Closed – The Mystery in the Mansion Thirty Days Has September – Cool Ways to Remember Stuff Cool Flexagon Art Jambo Means Hello…
As part of the Explore the World From Your Home digital resource guide that I’ve created I’ve got book lists for the countries included in the guide thus far. Today I thought I’d share some of the books from the Egypt section with you! The Explore the World digital resource guide is more than just…
If there is one thing I love it is exposing my kids to classics. And I’m talking good classics here, I’ve got a pretty high standard for what makes a book good. (You will never see Junie B. Jones showing up on one of my lists, can we say attitude much?). I thought I would break…
It feels like forever since I’ve written a book list! I used to do them every week but I took a little break and it’s been hard to get back in the habit, but I plan on bringing them back every two weeks, if there is a specific genre/type of book list you would like,…
Now that we are a couple of months into 2018 I wanted to share some of our favorite picture books that have been published so far this year! We have previously shared our absolute favorite picture books from 2017 and the ones from 2016. I already feel like I know some of these books will…