Our favorite science resources in our homeschool as well as how I teach science without a curriculum
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TEACHING SCIENCE WITHOUT A CURRICULUM: and some of our favorite homeschool science resources

Welcome back to the last official installment in the Homeschooling Without a Curriculum series! If you’ve missed the series you can see all the posts here. We’ve already covered language arts, math, history and now today is science!       Book Outlet Referral Code (get $10 off your first order).   OUR FAVORITE SCIENCE…

How we teach history without a curriculum in our homeschool and our favorite homeschool history books and resources
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TEACHING HISTORY WITHOUT A CURRICULUM: and some of our favorite history homeschool resources

Today I’m continuing the homeschool without a curriculum series and we’re chatting history! I thought history was incredibly boring as a student but now I love history. I have some fun history resources to share that we really enjoy. You can see the entire homeschooling without a curriculum series here.       HISTORY RESOURCES…

TEACHING MATH WITHOUT A CURRICULUM: plus our favorite fun math learning resources
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TEACHING MATH WITHOUT A CURRICULUM: plus our favorite fun math learning resources

Welcome back to the homeschooling without a curriculum series! Each week I will be breaking down one subject and sharing how we teach our children that subject without using a curriculum. Last week I kicked things off with Language Arts and this week we are onto Math! I did not enjoy math in school and…

Teaching English Without a Curriculum & some of our favorite language arts resources
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Teaching English Without a Curriculum & some of our favorite language arts resources

Welcome to the teaching without a curriculum series! Today we are kicking things off by chatting about how my kids learn English Language Arts in our homeschool without a curriculum. Check back next Friday for the next subject in this series! You can see the whole series here.           You can…

An Introduction to Unschooling - what is unschooling, what is my role as a homeschool mother and how do kids learn without a curriculum

Unschooling Introduction: what I want my kids to learn and how I view my role as a homeschool mom

Welcome to a new series all about unschooling! Today I am sharing a little introduction to unschooling and talk a little about what I want my kids to learn in our home and homeschool as well as how I view my role as a homeschool and unschooling parent. In the upcoming weeks I will be…