Ten Christmas Books the keep Christ at the Center. Ten Christian Christmas Books.

Ten Christmas Books that Keep Christ at the Center

I shared a list of Christmas books a few weeks ago, they are sweet Christmas books, but I also wanted to share a list of our favorite Christmas books that keep Christ at the center. Because, truly, without Christ, there would be no Christmas.

Right now we get most of our Christmas books from the library but I want to slowly add to our own collection by buying a Christmas book or two each year. I wish I would have started this when our first was a baby, but I didn’t, better late than never!

A good picture book can be enjoyed no matter what the age, the first book on this list, The Crippled Lamb, I remember reading with my brother when he was just a toddler and the story has never gotten old for me. I’m hoping my kids will feel the same way with some of these stories.

Ten Christmas Books the keep Christ at the Center. Ten Christian Christmas Books.



This one is so sweet, I loved it when I was younger and I love reading it now!

The Crippled Lamb

In this timeless bestseller, readers experience the tender love God has for those who feel alone and different. Joshua was a lamb with a crippled leg who felt left out because he couldn’t run and play like the other lambs. But God had a very special plan for Joshua’s life, as He does for all who feel alone. Readers can expect a gentle tug on their hearts as the little lamb’s prayers are answered in an amazing way. Original oil-painting illustrations by Liz Bonham brilliantly capture the beauty and warmth of this endearing story.

The Little Drummer Boy

A procession travels to Bethlehem, bringing gifts for the newborn baby Jesus. The little drummer boy comes along, although he is too poor to bring a present fit for a king. Instead, he plays a song on his drum for the Christ Child. Within the little drummer boy’s seemingly simple gift lies the true spirit of Christmas.

The Pine Tree Parable

The Pine Tree Parable tells the heartwarming tale of a farmer and his family who nurture tiny seedlings into fragrant Christmas trees. When the trees are tall enough to offer to their neighbors, the farmer’s wife plans to keep the most beautiful pine tree for her family, until one snowy December night when a child teaches her the true meaning of Christmas.

The Legend of the Christmas Tree

On a visit to a tree lot, the Johnson family sees three beautifully decorated trees standing in the center of the lot. A mysterious silver gift-wrapped box is under one of the trees. The old lot owner notices their intrigue and what he tells them, not only marks the beginning of a new family tradition, but also brings meaning and understanding into their Christmas celebration. In The Legend of the Christmas Tree, children ages 4 to 8 will discover the wonderful story of how the evergreen tree first became a symbol of Christmas and a way to tell people about God. The beautiful illustrations by Bill Dodge add a wonderful richness to the story and help bring meaning to one of our best-loved traditions—decorating the Christmas tree.

Room for a Little One: A Christmas Tale

‘Tis the eve of Christmas–a cold winter’s night–when Kind Ox offers to share his stable by the inn. Assuring each tentative visitor that “there’s always room for a little one,” he first gives shelter to Old Dog, then, in quick succession, Stray Cat, Small Mouse, and Tired Donkey, who is accompanied by Joseph and a weary Mary. As predators and prey gather together in “the peace of a stable,” they learn lessons about tolerance and generosity. Finally, they bear witness to the birth of the most wondrous “Little One” of all: the baby Jesus. Waddell, the author of the popular Little Bear series illustrated by Barbara Firth and many others, delivers another winner here. Quiet, meaningful, and ideal for the youngest readers, Waddell’s simple text in large, easy-to-read type is rendered magical by Cockcroft’s glowing acrylics. A majestic addition to any holiday collection.

Humphrey’s First Christmas

We’ve all heard the story of the three wise men who brought their gifts to Baby Jesus. But what about the camels who carried them? Here is the story of Humphrey the camel and his long, cold journey to Bethlehem. Humphrey has lost his blanket and schemes to acquire a new one. When the party reaches its destination, Humphrey is so drawn to the love surrounding Baby Jesus that he finds himself selflessly giving his new blanket to the Christ child. Carol Heyer’s rich acrylic paintings showcase the quirkiness of the camel and add humor to the story. Here is a book that both entertains and informs without ever straying from the meaning of the holiday.

Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story

The skies shouted it to the seas that thundered it to the waves that roared it to the great white whales that sang it to the starfish in the deep. And tiny sandpipers danced it on shining sands… “It’s time! It’s time!” On one quiet night, creation whispered a secret. Grass and bees, robins and trees all spread the word. Sheep told their young while angels sang the song to the shepherds. Hushed news of a miracle echoed to the ends of the earth. The moment had come. The long-awaited child had arrived! Creation cried out in celebration, but only a few people heard. Only a few joined nature’s chorus, a song in praise of the newborn King.

The Nativity

The biblical story of the Nativity is one about faith, love–and a miracle. With illustrations that are enchanting and unexpected, Julie Vivas reveals the human side to Mary’s story, beautifully imagining the Angel Gabriel delivering the news to her, the exhausting journey with Joseph to Bethlehem, and at last the deliverance of the baby Jesus.The biblical story of the Nativity is one about faith, love–and a miracle. With illustrations that are enchanting and unexpected, Julie Vivas reveals the human side to Mary’s story, beautifully imagining the Angel Gabriel delivering the news to her, the exhausting journey with Joseph to Bethlehem, and at last the deliverance of the baby Jesus.

Little Shepherd’s Christmas

A beautifully illustrated Christmas story from a favorite author-illustrator. This is Reuel’s big chance to prove that he can tend sheep just as well as his older brothers. All he has to do is keep a watchful eye on his little flock. But, distracted by his brothers’ teasing, he looks away just long enough for a young lamb to wander. Following a frantic search, Reuel finds his missing charge and finds himself in the midst of the biggest announcement ever made. The Christ Child has been born, and Reuel is one of the first chosen to hear the news! After racing through the streets of Bethlehem, his shepherding misstep becomes a blessing when he encounters the Baby who will one day become the Shepherd of Men.

Itsy Bitsy Christmas: You’re Never Too Little for His Love

You’re never too little for His love! Do you ever feel like you are too small or too ordinary? That’s how Itsy and Bitsy feel. When these two charming little mice hear that a King is coming to Bethlehem, they run to find Him. But they can’t find the King, and other animals discourage them. “Don’t even try,” they say. “The King doesn’t care about little ones like us.” Itsy and Bitsy are just about to give up when something amazing happens. Crafted by master storyteller Max Lucado, Itsy Bitsy Christmas helps children understand God’s great love and know that He sent His Son, the King of kings, for all of us—little or big, young or old.

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