the best PICTURE BOOKS to read in AUTUMN
I love the autumnal season and I wanted to share a few of my favorite picture books to read during this season.
I would love to hear yours in the comments!

I love the autumnal season and I wanted to share a few of my favorite picture books to read during this season.
I would love to hear yours in the comments!
I asked my 12 year old daughter for a list of her favorite books and here’s what she told me! We did a similar video nearly two years ago where she shared some of her favorites she had recently read, you can check that video out here. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST EPISODE: WATCH ON YOUTUBE:…
Today Raeca and I are sharing a wrap up of our reading from the month of March! We are chatting about our read alouds and what we read on our own as well. There was a combination of some pretty mediocre books and some really great ones. We would love to hear what you have…
Let’s continue our list of kids classics by looking at some great novels for grades 5 and 6. If you missed it you can check out the other lists: Classic Novels for Kindergarten (ages 4-6) Classic Novels for Grades 1 & 2 Classic Novels for Grades 3 & 4 Classic Novels for Grades 7, 8 &…
I enjoy the library and we use it to the max but there are some books a family should just own. When you own books you read them again and again and without even knowing it you begin to form a family culture around the books you read. Ephraim’s favorite book for the longest time…
I have been writing book lists here on this site for over three years now and it’s about time I had a place where you could come and see the lists broken down by grade! I’ll do my best to keep this list updates, so feel free to pin this page and check back regularly….
Every year I like to make a book list for my kids. Not really required reads but highly recommended reads. I am excited about this list for my daughter who will be going into grade six in the fall because I enjoy middle grade books and have read most of them on this list and…