The Homeschool un-Planner – Free Printable Monthly Record Sheets
I remember at the beginning of every school year in middle school and high school vowing to make that the year that I kept my binder and notes much more organized. That generally lasted about a month and by the time Christmas came my binder was a complete disorganized mess.
Was I the only that went through this?
This year I find myself making this same promise to myself as a homeschooling parent. Though the problem is not that my notes have gotten disorganized, it’s that I stopped taking any! And we’ve been doing some pretty neat stuff, so I want to make sure I keep track of it.
Last week I finished our homeschool portfolio for the year that I had to submit to our school division, the portfolio is really simple and I am happy to do that little bit of work for the little bit of monetary reimbursement the division gives us. But, it was a struggle to fill out our last few months because I simply stopped writing down what we had been doing.
I like the idea of a homeschool planner but if you’ve read about how I prefer to reverse schedule actually planning out our day doesn’t really work for us, I prefer to write down what we’ve done instead of what we plan on doing.
I decided to create some printables for myself in hopes to keep myself a little more organized this year. And since we’ve already started the new school year a few months early I printed out June and have already started keeping track.
I made a page for jot notes of what we’ve done for the month and since Ephraim is starting kindergarten I will be printing out a different jot note page for each of my kids to keep their stuff separate. But because we do a lot of our major topics together I also created another page where I could record our major topics for the month as well as our read alouds (which are usually audiobooks).
Once upon a time I had thought of creating a homeschool planner but knew that wouldn’t work for my personality and homeschooling style so I’m calling this the Homeschool un-Planner, which is a much more appropriate title.
I thought I would share the printables with anyone else who likes to reverse schedule and instead likes to write down what they’ve done instead of what they are going to do. I have a lot of ideas for future pages for the un-Planner but if you have some ideas feel free to leave me a comment below!
Ready for the pages?
Download them here!

This is a great idea, thanks for the download.