Homeschool Week in Review – Volume Five
We’ve had a virus go through our house in the last two weeks that has slowly hit one kid after another and as a result it through off my December homeschool plan a bit.
Thankfully I didn’t plan for an intense academic month, my main focus for the month was the Christmas season and we have been able to do that. But because of the sickness I thought it would make sense to put our light two weeks into one review.
Also due to the sickness we relied more on technology for our academics, I am thankful that we have the ability and resources to turn to things like YouTube when kids are lying on the couch recovering from fevers and we all learn a lot.
For reference, here’s the low down on all the kids:
The Daughter – she’s 9 and in grade 4
The Son – he’s 6 and in grade 1
The Preschooler – he’s 3
The Toddler – he’s 1 (almost 2)
Here’s a recap of our week:
+ I wanted to learn about stars a little this month, nothing too in-depth but the topic just seemed fitting with Christmas, this is when we relied heavily on YouTube, here are some of the videos we watched:
+ We played Castle Panic with the fourth and first graders one afternoon. It was difficult with the little boys around but we managed to play, though we did die to the monsters so maybe we can blame that on the distraction the little ones cause.
+ The six and three year old each drew Batman. Because the three year old has only been with us for a month and a half I wasn’t sure how it would go for him (skill wise) and it was pretty hard so I ended up just putting my hand over his and we drew Batman together, he was so proud of his drawing when we were done.
+ The fourth and first graders both worked on math most days. It was almost always in their workbooks but one day I wanted to take my son to the chalkboard and show him how easy it was to add 10 with a one digit number, it was something that wasn’t coming quickly to him but once we started doing a few problems and I showed him the pattern he totally got it.
+ After the light week we had I wanted to create a bit more of a plan. I like to just use a notebook or a piece of paper and write out all the things I want each kid to accomplish. Honestly, we didn’t even get all that I had listed done this week but I am okay with that because we also added some things in that I didn’t plan for. Oh, and that Danger on a Silent Night book I had planned for my daughter to read over the course of a few days? She read it the first day, she also requested we get more of the Imagination Station books.
+ The toddler has been big into building towers out of blocks and the preschooler has been going through some of our wipe clean books, his current favorite is one I got from the dollar store years ago.
+ Also big on the preschooler’s radar right now is StarFall. I bought the full version for the year and the nine and six year olds are also playing it, probably partly out of nostalgia because I bought the full version for each of them when they were four.
+ My daughter spent some time doing some Draw So Cute videos, truthfully, sometimes they stress her out and she usually doesn’t like the look of her drawing while she’s in the middle of it but by the end she is smitten. I think her Hermione is adorable.
I know we did more in the last two weeks but this is all I can remember at the moment. We’re going to have a pretty light week next week and the week after we’re going to take off completely for Christmas. I doubt I’ll post a review next week, if I don’t the next one will be right around the new year, crazy to think about!
I do still have one more educational gift guide which I will post next week!