Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader

Homeschool Week in Review – Volume 8

This week we had a mix of what I would call “school days” and “extra curricular days”. 

We had a field trip to a museum one day and went sledding with one morning with a bunch of friends.

It was really a perfect balance this week where both my introvert and extrovert got a bit of what they prefer.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader




For reference, here’s the low down on all the kids:

The Daughter – she’s 9 and in grade 4
The Son – he’s 6 and in grade 1
The Preschooler – he’s 3
The Toddler – he’s 2

(The preschooler and toddler came to us in the fall via foster care.)


Here’s a recap of our week:


+ one evening my daughter decided she wanted to make brownies, so she grabbed a box mix and got to work. Baking is one of my favorite sneaky ways for kids to work on their math skills (also, life skills!).


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ one day this week the kids played Chroma Cube for math. It’s a good deductive reasoning and problem solving game. I kind of wanted to shove them over and play myself . . . (You can see more of our favorite game here.)


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ we continued with our Bible journaling, and like I had planned last week I read out of the Action Bible for them and they drew pictures and wrote a summary of the story in their own words. I would still like to find a good, comprehensive children’s illustrated Bible. I have a couple on hold at the library, we’ll see next week if they are good or not.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ we played another math game one day. I just dealt the kids a few cards (the same number) and they tried to make the largest number they could with their cards. We did it with a variety of different numbers of cards so they could practice saying larger numbers (like 353,837) and it was a good reminder how important place value is.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ while our preschooler and toddler had a family visit one morning I took the older two to the same children’s museum we went to last week and they had a lot of fun in front of the green screen.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ one thing my six year old pulled out a few times to play with on his own this week was Snap Circuits. He has spent so many hours creating different circuits with this kit.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ I’ve been proof reading Harry Potter for my nine year old and this week she started in with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ a friend of mine was telling me that she often lets her grade one class watch a video from Storyline Online during their snack time so one day while I was making lunch the kids watched one. Of course my Lord of The Rings fan wanted to watch “Sam” read a story:



+ lately my six year old has been reading to me from the Usborne First Readers, like Mole in a Hole and Goat in a Boat.


There’s a little peek into our week and some of the resources we’ve been using! What is something that’s been working in your homeschool lately?

You can check out all our homeschool weekly reviews here.

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  1. Hi!
    I love this. Just curious, I came across your post via an unschooling tag. Do you guys still practice that or something different?

    1. Ha, honestly, I’m not sure what we are! We are definitely unschooling-ish. I’ve tried to make and follow a plan many times over and we always end up coming back to an unschooling/relaxed homeschooling approach.

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