Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader

Homeschool Week in Review – Volume 9

This week was a little different for us.

We didn’t do much school work on Monday or Tuesday because I was running a bundle sale over at Intentional Bundles and was monitoring my email more than normal.

On Friday the big kids went to a homeschool gym time with some friends and while they were gone our social worker called us to say she would be reuniting our foster boys with their birth family and would be picking them up in a few hours to do so.

(You can read about our fostering journey on my personal site.)


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader




For reference, here’s the low down on all the kids:

The Daughter – she’s 9 and in grade 4
The Son – he’s 6 and in grade 1
The Preschooler – he’s 3
The Toddler – he’s 2

(The preschooler and toddler came to us in the fall via foster care.)


Here’s a recap of our week:


+ my fourth grader is participating in a reading challenge I created for myself, this month we are each reading (at least) one book that is also a movie, I told her I wanted her to read Bridge to Terabithia but not to get mad at me when the book makes her cry.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ speaking of reading, the first grader started reading Penny and Her Marble to me. It was one of the first books that made my daughter realize she could read so I thought it would be fun for him to read to me. So far he’s not enjoying it, for some reason he thinks he can’t read when he actually can. I’ve requested some other books from the library for him to try soon that may be more up his alley.


+ I’m constantly trying to work on my son’s fine motor skills and we use drawing for practice a lot. One of our favorites are Art for Kids Hub videos.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader



+ we also pulled out the Handwriting Without Tears book one day this week and did a page, I need to remember to get him to do that more often.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


+ after our foster boys left us on Friday we spent the rest of the day and the weekend playing family games. We played Colt Express, King of Tokyo and Apples to Apples.


Our Homeschool Week in Review - what we did and resources we used with a toddler, preschooler, first grader and fourth grader


There’s a little peek into our week and some of the resources we’ve been using! What are some games you enjoy? What is something that’s been working in your homeschool lately?

You can check out all our homeschool weekly reviews here.

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  1. We’ve definitely been on a game kick lately, my kids are 4,6 and 7. The 4 year old doesn’t always participate. Their favorite game is cadoo, a kids version of cranium. I really like Clue Jr and banana grams we also have been playing monopoly jr, mousetrap, life jr, oh wits and wagers is a lot of fun.

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